Mușat & Asociații este întotdeauna cu un pas înainte în ceea ce privește evoluția cadrului legislativ și a mediului de afaceri, anticipând nevoile clienților și acționând că un deschizător de drumuri în domeniu.

Practice areas

Healthcare & Pharma
Consumer Protection
Competition & Antitrust
Corporate & Commercial Law
Litigation & Arbitration
Insurance Law

Mateea Codreanu has more than 10 years of experience on Life Sciences regulatory matters, Corporate & Commercial, Consumer Protection and Dispute Resolution.

Mateea has a wealth of expertise in the market access, pricing & reimbursement, promotion and labelling of medicinal products, medical devices, cosmetics and food supplements, having advised some of the leading international pharmaceutical companies acting in Romania on numerous regulatory matters.

Also, Mateea has a wealth of expertise in go-to-market matters, advertising and labelling of various products (including food products, cosmetics, food supplements, infant formula, home appliance, detergents, clothing), e–commerce, product liability, having advised some of the leading international companies acting in Romania on numerous regulatory and consumer protection aspects.

  • Studies
  • Spoken languages
  • Qualifications & Career
  • Mandates
  • Affiliations
  • Awards
  • Legal experience: 12 years
  • Experience within Mușat & Asociații: 12 years
  • Partner: 2024 – to date
  • Managing Associate: 2020 – 2024
  • Senior Associate: 2017 – 2020
  • Associate; 2013 – 2017
  • (2015) – Fully qualified lawyer, Bucharest Bar
  • (2013) – Admitted as lawyer, Bucharest Bar
(2013) – Diploma of Postgraduate Studies in Public International Law, University of Bucharest
(2012) – LL.B, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law
  • English, CPE (A+)
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Romanian

Assisted one of the largest pharmaceutical groups in Europe in relation to numerous regulatory aspects in the pharmaceutical field, such as the clawback contribution, representation of the client before the competent authorities, sponsorship contracts concluded with healthcare professionals, marketing and distribution of medicines, donation of medicines.

Assisted a leading U.S. pharmaceutical company in connection with promotion of medicinal products, clinical trials, implementation of educational programs for healthcare professionals, sponsorship of scientific events, clawback contribution.

Assisted one of the largest pharmacy chains in Central Europe in relation to contractual and regulatory matters regarding the successful acquisition of the largest pharmaceutical wholesaler and a chain of 600 pharmacies, including in relation to the reimbursement and distribution of medicines and supply of medical devices, supplements and cosmetics.

Assisted a major global pharmaceutical company in connection with the health technology assessment, pricing and reimbursement of medicines, conclusion of protocols and cost-volume/cost-volume-result agreements with health authorities, clawback contribution, etc.

Assisted one of the largest FMGC companies in the world regarding the review and approval process of labeling and promotional materials, as well as campaigns for products launched on the Romanian market, including review of TV commercials, online spots, etc.

Assisted a giant US provider of subscription video-on-demand streaming services in connection with the launch in Romania of its streaming platform and the evaluation of any regulatory and consumer protection issues that could affect the launch and the services offered to subscribers.

Assisted one of the most important manufacturers of electrical household products worldwide in connection with the marketing campaigns for the launch of a range of new products on the Romanian market, the promotion and labeling of electrical household products, including in relation to energy labeling issues.

Assisted a leading manufacturer of electrical equipment and machinery in Japan and worldwide, in connection with the advertising and promotion of certain products, including online advertising and promotions, as well as in connection with several corporate and regulatory matters.

  • Member of the Romanian Bar Association, since 2013
  • Awarded Top Lawyer in manufacturer liability/consumer protection, at the Top Lawyer Awards Gala, organized by Finmedia and Financial Market magazine, in 2023
  • Recognized as a Rising Star lawyer, IFLR 1000 Rising Star EMEA, in 2022
  • Shortlisted as Rising Star Lawyer in Europe for Regulatory Matters, LMG – Life Sciences Awards, 2020, 2021 and 2022