Mușat & Asociații authors Thomson Reuters’ 2022 Q&A guide to equity capital markets law in Romania

In Thomson Reuters’ latest Q&A guide to equity capital markets law in Romania, part of their Practical Law Series, Deputy Managing Partner Razvan Stoicescu, Managing Associate Adrian Danciu & Senior Associate Robert Urmosi outline legislation and listing requirements, offering structures, advisers, prospectus/offer document, marketing, bookbuilding, underwriting, timetables, stabilisation, tax, continuing obligations and de-listing. You can…

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Thomson Reuters’ International Banking Law and Regulation 2020 – Monia Dobrescu authors Romanian Chapter

Banking Partner Monia Dobrescu writes about concepts of “Credit Institution” and “Bank”— Credit institution and the general procedure for the authorization of banks in Romania, in Thomson Reuters’ April 2020 edition of International Banking Law and Regulation, Romanian law chapter. You can read more HERE Reprinted from International Banking Law and Regulation (April 2020 update) with permission. Copyright…

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Guvernul acordă bonificații pentru plata unor obligații fiscale și prorogă unele termene de depunere prin OUG 69/2020 adoptată recent

Sorry, this entry is only available in Romanian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Ordonanța de urgență nr. 69/2020 prin care Guvernul acordă bonificații pentru plata unor obligații fiscale, prorogă unele termene, precum și alte măsuri…

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COVID 19: Brief guidance for employers during the state of alert

Starting with 15th of May 2020, the state of emergency was replaced with the state of alert in Romania. Therefore, while the legislative context in continuous change is still imposing protective measures, the Romanian Government is looking to gradually relax the lockdown measures.   1. Measures impacting employment relationships  (i) Employees must consent for telework.…

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(Română) Concordatul preventiv – mecanism de salvgardare a companiilor afectate financiar de Covid-19

Sorry, this entry is only available in Romanian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Autori: Mihai Popa, Deputy Managing Partner și Diana Dobromir, Senior Associate   Epidemia cauzată de coronavirus a provocat tulburări majore pentru economia…

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EDPB Adopts Further Covid-19 Guidelines on Geolocation and the Processing of Health Data

On 21 April, within its Plenary Session, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) adopted two essential guidelines on the major data processing activities performed in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic: Guidelines 04/2020 on the use of location data and contact tracing tools in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak  (Guidelines 04/2020) and Guidelines 03/2020…

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Covid-19: Economic measures covering the banking and financial sector

Covid-19: Economic measures covering the banking and financial sector. Facilities in relation to loans granted by credit institutions and non-banking financial institutions to certain categories of borrowers The National Bank of Romania (the “NBR”) issued a press release on 24 March 2020, pursuant to which the current regulations allow the borrowers, banking and non-banking institutions,…

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The statement regarding the ultimate beneficial owner of a company in the context of the state of emergency in Romania – clarifications regarding the obligation to submit it

According to Law no. 129/2019 for the prevention and combating of money laundering and terrorism financing, as well as for the amendment and completion of some normative acts (“Law 129/2019“), companies have the obligation to submit, at the moment of registration, annually or whenever a change occurs, a statement regarding the actual beneficial owner of…

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New measures impacting certain categories of workers and professionals during the emergency state

Through the Military Ordinance no. 8/2020 published in the Official Gazette no. 301 on 10th of April, 2020, there were instituted a new series of measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, which directly envisage certain categories of workers and/or professionals, as presented below.   (i) Exceptions from the circulation restriction during the emergency state…

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Coronavirus Legal Updates – Digitalization of Romania

In the context of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Government of Romania has come to support its citizens and public institutions, through the Authority for Digitalization of Romania, in partnership with Aurachain, the Association for Advanced Technologies – ATA, BitHat Solutions and Telekom Romania by launching a digital platform, namely “”. The objective of the newly…

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Coronavirus: One Stop Shop for helping companies to request a Certificate for Situation of Emergency (CSE)

As the new Coronavirus continues to threaten our lives, the nation-wide heavy restrictions continue to disrupt our livelihoods and businesses need to address the economic challenges they face: significant pressure on their workforce, business partners, supply chains, revenues.  As part of the Romanian’s Government plan to aid heavily hit businesses during the economic near shutdown,…

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Sorry, this entry is only available in Romanian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. În Monitorul Oficial nr. 285/06.04.2020, Guvernul a publicat H.G. nr. 270/02.04.2020 prin care a aprobat normele de aplicare a prevederilor OUG nr.…

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Coronavirus: Discounts for certain tax payers and VAT exemptions for companies importing medicines and protection equipment are the most recent implemented fiscal measures

In order to stimulate the payment of the outstanding fiscal obligations and taking into account the need to provide medicines, protective equipment, other medical devices or equipment and sanitary materials that can be used to prevent, limit, treat and combat COVID-19, the Romanian Government has adopted the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 33 from 26.03.2020 regarding…

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Sorry, this entry is only available in Romanian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Guvernul a adoptat Ordonanta de Urgență nr. 37/2020, publicată în Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 261 din 30 martie 2020, aceasta intrând…

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Consumer protection authorities are on high alert: Companies under intense scrutiny on pricing issues  As consumer demand for various products increases, fueled by the Coronavirus outbreak, so could prices.  The National Authority for Consumer Protection stressed that they are closely monitoring the Romanian market and that they created special teams to prevent any actions that…

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Coronavirus: Real Estate Update

1. Urgent legal measures requiring enforcement in the construction field Having in view the constraints and economic implications expected to affect the construction field as a result of the current COVID-19 pandemic crisis, the Employers’ Federation of Building Companies – FPSC – has requested the Romanian Government to undertake urgent legal measures for the benefit…

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CORONAVIRUS: CERTIFICATES REGARDING THE STATE OF EMERGENCY. HOW CAN COMPANIES OBTAIN THEM?   In these unprecedented, difficult times, the Romanian Government and businesses are working together to address the economic challenges of the strict containment restrictions put in place to limit the spread of the Coronavirus.  As part of the Government plan, the Ministry of…

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Coronavirus: Government aids small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with multiannual program

Coronavirus: Government aids small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with multiannual program According to the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 29/2020 regarding certain economic and fiscal-budgetary measures, the Ministry of Public Finance will implement a multi-annual program for supporting the SMEs in order to mitigate the effects of the COVID – 19 spread, by guaranteeing loans and…

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(Română) Coronavirus: operatorii economici a căror activitate este afectată vor putea beneficia, la cerere, de Certificate de Situaţie de Urgenţă, eliberate de Ministerul Economiei, Energiei şi Mediului de Afaceri

Sorry, this entry is only available in Romanian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Activitatea multor operatori economici este afectată în contextul pandemiei SARS-CoV-2. Conform prevederilor unei noi Hotarari de Guvern, acestora li se pot elibera,…

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(Română) Aspecte legale de interes pentru companiile din România în contextul răspândirii rapide a virusului COVID-19

Sorry, this entry is only available in Romanian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. București, 12 martie 2020  Dată fiind rapiditatea răspândirii virusului COVID-19 inclusiv în România, este important ca profesioniștii locali să aibă în vedere…

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Mușat & Asociații advised EBRD on the Euro 16 million financing to TeraPlast Group, to support its expansion in Romania and the CEE region

Leading Romanian law firm Mușat & Asociații acted as legal counsel to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) on a Euro 16 million facility granted to TeraPlast Group, one of the leading Romanian producers of materials for installation, construction and design markets.   The senior loans granted by EBRD will finance the implementation of…

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Mușat & Asociații Promotes Nine Lawyers in New 2020 Round, Including One Partner

Bucharest, 21 January 2020  Mușat & Asociații announces the promotion of nine lawyers across the firm’s Mergers & Acquisitions, Healthcare & Pharma, Taxation and Litigation & Arbitration practice areas, effective as of January 2020. The promotions come as a recognition of their constant contribution to the success of the projects they advised on and of…

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Iulian Popescu speaks on Energy Prospects in The Black Sea Region up to 2030 panel at the Power & Energy Tech Exhibition and Conference Vision 2030 – PETEC 2019

Iulian Popescu, Deputy Managing Partner and head of Musat & Asociatii’s Energy & Natural Resources practice, spoke at the Power & Energy Tech Exhibition and Conference Vision 2030 – PETEC 2019 on 2 December 2019. The role of natural gas and renewables in a fast-evolving energy market towards achieving the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals was the main theme…

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Mușat & Associații advises Spectrum Brands Unit on the $2 billion sale of its lightning business to Energizer

Bucharest, 18 January: Mușat & Asociații is part of the legal team advising Spectrum Brands Unit, a $5 billion consumer products company, in connection with the $2 billion sale of its global battery and portable lightning business to Energizer Holding Inc., one of the world’s largest manufacturers of primary batteries and portable lighting products. The…

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Mușat & Asociații alongside Spectrum Brands Holdings at the completion of the sale transaction of the battery division and the lighting equipment to Energizer for $2 billion

Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc. has successfully completed the sale of its battery and lighting equipment business to Energizer Holdings Inc., once all the necessary conditions and regulations have been fulfilled. The agreement worth $2 billion in cash was completed in early January 2019. As imposed by such a large transaction, the involved parties received first-class…

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The criminal law team of Mușat & Asociații law firm obtains the final acquittal of Ludovic Orban in a corruption file

The criminal law team of Muşat & Asociaţii law firm has definitively won the litigation before the High Court of Cassation and Justice, where Ludovic Orban, the chairman of the main opposition party has been accused by the DNA (the National Anticorruption Directorate) of committing the offence of using his influence for obtaining some undue…

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Mușat & Asociații alongside the investment fund Penta Investments in the largest transaction of 2017 in the pharmaceutical industry

Bucharest, 11 January 2018: Mușat & Asociații advised Penta Investments, a Central European investment fund, on the acquisition of A&D Pharma by Dr.Max, one of the biggest pharmacy chains in CEE, owned by Penta Investments The value of the transaction has not been disclosed by the parties involved and shall be completed after the approval…

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New promotions with MUȘAT & ASOCIAȚII

MUȘAT & ASOCIAȚII shall promote two new Partners within Litigation department, namely Mrs. Elena Cîrlig and Mrs. Paula Neculae, each with an extensive experience in litigation, both as (former) magistrate, and also as attorneys. Mrs. Elena Cîrlig career begun as attorney with Brașov Bar, and afterwards as judge with Făgăraș Court of Law, with Alba-Iulia…

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Mușat & Asociații hosted a round table dedicated to e-privacy topics. Facebook experts were guest speakers

Bucharest, 12th November 2018 – MUȘAT & ASOCIAȚII hosted the first of a series of round table events centred on privacy topics and invited experts from Facebook to share their experience as regards GDPR & e-Privacy and their implementation approach. The event was meant to raise awareness around recent privacy announcements and listen to stakeholder…

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Mușat & Asociații expands its team with 7 new lawyers and opens 14 new positions in developing areas of expertise

Bucharest, September 26th 2018: MUȘAT & ASOCIAȚII significantly expands its IP, Litigation & Arbitration, Data Protection and Cyber Security, Labour Law and Restructuring & Insolvency teams by co-opting 7 lawyers and opening 14 new positions for the following period of 2018. MUȘAT & ASOCIAȚII has managed to stand out this year due to its sustained…

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Bucharest Tribunal anticipates a ruling of the European Court of Justice delivered in the field of intellectual property rights regarding the standing to bring legal proceedings of an entity for the collective representation of multiple right holders. The lawyers from Mușat & Asociații advised the claimant.

On 28 June 2018, the Bucharest Tribunal ruled on an application for interlocutory injunction by firstly ruling through Judgment no. 1557/2018 on the standing to bring legal proceedings of an anti-piracy agency mandated by several holders of copyright and neighbouring rights to initiate proceedings in their name and on their behalf. In the case at…

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Internship – recently regulated under the Romanian Law By Anca Vătășoiu, Managing Associate at Mușat & Asociații

A novelty to the Romanian labour legislation is brought by the provisions of the recently published Law no. 176/2018 on internship (the “Internship Law”) which shall enter into force as of 18th August 2018. The Internship Law regulates the general framework for the performance of internship programs, imposing also several restrictions concerning, among others, the activities…

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Amendments to Law no. 202/2002 on the equality of chances and treatment between women and men By Anca Vătășoiu, Managing Associate at Mușat & Asociații

Law no. 202/2002 on the equality of chances and treatment between women and men has been recently amended by Law no. 178/2018, respectively Law no. 232/2018. Law no. 178/2018 introduces two new occupations in the field of equality of chances and treatment between women and men, respectively the “expert in equality of chances” and “technician…

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MUȘAT & ASOCIAȚII litigation team succeeds to maintain the classification as a historical monument for “Vasile Alecsandri” Memorial House from Bacau

Bucharest, 21 June 2018: The litigation team of MUȘAT & ASOCIAȚII law firm won in court, by a final ruling, a case with special cultural resonance after supporting “Vasile Alecsandri” Cultural and Scientific Society from Bacau and the Ministry of Culture and National Identity in maintaining the classification as historical monument for “Vasile Alecsandri” Memorial…

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Mușat & Asociații continues the series of conferences dedicated to the new Personal Data Protection European Regulation

The increased interest and the frequent questions capture the concern of the local business environment Brașov, 8 May 2018: Prominent representatives of the business environment in Brașov attended on Monday, 7 May, the Data Protection Conference, organized by Mușat & Asociații Attorneys-at-Law, in partnership with Brașov Chamber of Commerce and Industry, on the new European…

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Mușat & Asociații: The number of client matters in the field of personal data protection has doubled compared to the previous year

Bucharest, 19.06.2018: International companies, as well as top-ranked domestic companies activating in various sectors, such as: pharmaceutical, retail, white goods, automotive and TMT sectors, are assisted and represented by lawyers of MUȘAT & ASOCIAȚII, both within complex projects, such as the implementation at the company level of the whole set of measures necessary to comply…

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Muşat & Asociații irrevocably wins a new litigation against the National Integrity Agency

Bucharest, 28 June 2017: Mușat & Asociații has successfully represented Judge Georgiana Pulbere, with Constanta Court of Appeal, in a litigation against the National Integrity Agency (NIA). This reference victory comes after four other case files won by the law firm in the last years, successes achieved in the cancelation of the assessment reports prepared…

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BREXIT. Do Not Panic! There is remedy and opportunity ahead.

Brexit would almost certainly have a short to medium term negative impact on international investors looking to deploy capital into UK but also on British investors and developers seeking to invest or trade with Romania and practically all of the remaining 27 members of the EU. What is likely to happen – an end to free movement of people, goods and services as we know it, which could ultimately also affect the cost of doing business and impact the market in general. However, what is likely to have the biggest impact on investors and developers, is the resolve of the UK economy, and any external perceptions of its strength.

This brief seeks to point-out what would likely happen in some key areas of legal practice in the event Art. 50 negotiations are triggered.

See the views and gather-ups of our specialized lawyers/consultants below:

  • Banking & Finance
  • Capital Markets & Securities
  • Competition & IP
  • Corporate & Commercial
  • Labor & Employee Benefits
  • Tax
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“Muşat & Asociaţii Mentor”, an educational program developed for tomorrow’s generation

Bucharest, 27th of April 2016: Muşat & Asociaţii, initiator of the Romanian business law, launched “Muşat & Asociaţii Mentor” today, a program aimed to answer the educational needs of tomorrow’s society. Developed in partnership with the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest, through the Association of Law Students, “Muşat & Asociaţii Mentor” offers…

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Mușat & Asociaţii, a new victory for Societatea Română de Televiziune in the international arbitration against New Films International Inc.

Bucharest, 10th of May 2016: Muşat şi Asociaţii, initiator of the Romanian business law, has successfully represented Societatea Română de Televiziune in an international commercial arbitration regarding the request for claims in amount of approximately 5 million EUR filed by the American film production and licensing company New Films International Inc. On 5th of May…

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The High Court of Cassation and Justice suspends the decision of the Competition Council to fine Electrolux

Bucharest, 5th of July 2016:  The High Court of Cassation and Justice (HCCJ) – Administrative and Fiscal Litigation Division admitted the second appeal by which Electrolux România S.A. requested the suspension of the enforcement of Decision of the Competition Council no. 10/2014‎, by which Electrolux România was sanctioned by civil fine in amount of over…

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Muşat & Asociaţii assisted Premier Capital in the acquisition of the McDonald’s Romanian local operations

Bucharest, January 28th, 2016 – Mușat & Asociații assisted Premier Capital in the acquisition of McDonald’s local operations, transaction which included all 67 McDonald’s restaurants in Romania, 19 McCafé coffee shops and the local McDonald’s franchise. Mușat & Asociații team was involved in all the stages of the acquisition process – both in the negotiations…

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Muşat & Asociaţii initiates the insolvency proceedings of Asesoft International

Bucharest, November 6th, 2015 – Muşat & Asociaţii successfully initiated the insolvency proceedings of Asesoft International, one of the most important companies in the IT sector, with a turnover of over RON 100 million, for a debt resulting from a contract between professionals. Within this litigation, pending before the court ever since August 2014, Muşat &…

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Mușat & Asociații celebrated 25 years of activity, as well as the launch of the legal guide “Doing Business in Romania 2015”

Bucharest, May 27th, 2015, Mușat & Asociații, Attorneys-at-Law celebrated 25 years of activity, as well as the launch of the legal guide “Doing Business in Romania 2015”. For over 25 years, Mușat & Asociații has been dedicated to a clientele impressive both by number and by reputation: banks and financial institutions, investment funds, multinational companies,…

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Muşat & Asociaţii – In the World’s Top 100 Law Firms in International Arbitration

Bucharest, 26 February 2015 – Global Arbitration Review (GAR), one of the highest-profile legal publications, included Muşat & Asociaţii in the GAR 100 list, a top of the best law firms in the field of international arbitration worldwide. This award is an acknowledgment of Muşat & Asociaţii’s experience and achievements in international arbitration disputes. The…

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